Proportioning Valve and Distribution block

Proportioning Valve and Distribution block


The brake proportioning valve is used to balance the braking pressure between the front and rear brake system. This unit detects whether the pressure has dropped in either system and activates the “BRAKE” warning light on the dash.

New lead wire with weatherproof connector is available if needed.

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Brake Booster IMG_0198.JPG Brake Booster IMG_0197.JPG

Brake Booster - Standard

Brake Booster IMG_0197.JPG Brake Booster IMG_0198.JPG

Brake Booster - Sensitized

Rear Wheel Cylinder IMG_1012.JPG Rear Wheel Cylinder IMG_1013.JPG

Rear Wheel Cylinders - Standard

Brake Rotor IMG_0196.JPG Brake Rotor IMG_0195.JPG

Front Brake Rotor

IMG_0727.JPG IMG_0728.JPG

Brake Master Cylinder for 1973-1978 GMC
