Air Suspension - California Quad Bag Replacement System

Air Suspension - California Quad Bag Replacement System


Complete installation kit includes all mounting hardware, air manifolds and cut-off isolation valves.

Please do not attempt to install yourself unless you are mechanically inclined or have assistance.

Detailed instructions are included.

PLEASE NOTE: Our website software is calculating freight charges incorrectly. When you place an order for this item, please expect an email or phone call with updated freight charges. We are working on a solution to this problem.

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Replacement Air Bags (Air Springs) Quadra-Bag System (California bags)

This system is engineered to provide a separate bag for each wheel position. 
The isolation plate between the two bags does not move; this stops the “compound swing” action of the bogie and provides a firmer ride.

This solution provides:
o Firmer suspension feel compared to original equipment.
o Firmer handling than original.
o Same approx. diameter as original
o Similar operating air pressure as original.
o Same ride height on your coach
o Allows each wheel to operate independently. 
o Readily available Firestone US air bags.
o Independent filler on side of coach.
o Installation kit includes air bag isolation valve, distribution block and filler extension.
o Heavy gauge steel construction - available in black or zinc plated
o T-Skirts require a special mounting bracket.

NOTE:  Isolation kit is included with each set of new bags.  The kit allows ride level to be maintained in the event of internal air suspension control system or compressor failure.

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Air Suspension - Automatic Leveling Height Control Valve

Air Suspension - Replacement Air Compressor

Air Suspension - Replacement Air Compressor

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Air Suspension - Daytona - Ferrera Replacement Air Bags

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Air Suspension - Height control adjustable links

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Air Suspension - Sully Bag Replacement System
